Friday, 9 February 2007

Thing About Horoscope

Hmmm... As you can see from my previous post, that's an analysis of my personal characteristics based on my birth date.

I can tell you guys one thing. It is pretty accurate and convincing from the way they described me as an emotional roller coaster. I have to admit, I'm a very emotional person and would tend to cry in the movies. ;)

Take for the recent Japanese drama my friend shared with me, One Litre of Tears.

This drama is about a teenage girl who has contracted a strange incurable neurodegenerative disease. It shows how she, against the odds of her fast-progressing disease to try to leave as normally as she could.

Quotes from each of the 11 episodes are simply tears-inducing. Her struggle and despair reminded me of my dad who passed on 26th August 2006. His neurodegenerative disease took only 1 year to take him away from us.

Hmmm... you can imagine I'm in a teary mess when I'm watching the drama.

Anyhow, what I've learnt from the drama is that our life is full of uncertainty and we should live everyday of our lives to the fullest, and have no regrets to whatever you do.

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